Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Most of Mobilehome Park Lease Agreements contain the section: “Upon any sale/transfer of the Mobilehome or assignment of the Homesite, after the beginning date of the term of this Agreement, the then-currrent rent for the Homesite may be immediately increased to the highest rent then charged for any single Homesite in the Community or by up to 10%, whichever is higher.”

It definitely is a scam as a condition of approval for residency. Consequently, a Mobilehome cannot be resold 4 times, because the rent of space will be higher than the rent of an apartment/house. At 10th re-sale the rent will be increased up to 259% based on the formula: rent *1.1 or rent * (1 + 10%). In fact, the Park Owners steal the value of the mobilehome and commit unjust enrichment. Park Owners do nothing, lose nothing, exchange nothing, service nothing but gain 10% unjustly for every month, year by year, increasing forever.

I believe that all of the Park Owners around the nation employ this unfair practice without regard to the U.S., States, and Local Government Law. Also It may be the case that the Park Owners act as the con artists to lure people. You can see and understand the scam as well as its serious consequences on a real case at: http://www.tranlich.com/mobilehome/

This is of State Wide significance, please investigate this matter and you will recognize this unfair practice. Change is needed to enforce the US Law, and to initiate action against these con artists on behalf of all US Citizens and consumer’s interests.